Quick guide to your dishwasher
This manual gives a full explanation of your new dishwasher. In addition, you will find a world of useful hints and handy tips to help you get a better wash from your dishwasher and to ensure it gives long lasting service.
1. Installation and moving (p. 8) |
| 7. Troubleshooting (p. 9) |
Installation,afterdeliveryor movinghouse,isthemostimportantproce- dureforthecorrectoperationofyourdishwasher.Alwayscheck:
3.Thatthedishwasherislevelontheground.Itisworthit:forthelonger lifespanandthecorrectoperationofyourdishwasher.
2. Control panel at your orders (p.2)
Learntogettoknowthepartswhichmakeupyourdishwasher.Thisis whereyouwillfindthedescriptionofthecontrolsandtheinternalparts.
3. How to load your dishes (p. 3)
Thispageincludesusefultipstohelpyouloadyourdishwashercorrectly andmakethemostofalltheavailablespace.
4. How to start your dishwasher (p. 4)
After loading the dishes, you need to select the right wash cycle and measureoutthecorrectdoseofdetergentandrinseaid.Readingthese pageswillhelpyouthroughallthewashphases.
5. Salt: an important ally (p. 7)
Usingtherightsaltandintherightquantitywillhelpyoumaintainyour dishwasherintopcondition,towashbetterandtoavoidpossibledamage causedbylimescale.
6. Advice and suggestions to help you make savings as well (p. 7)
Thisiswhereyouwillfindsmalltipsonhowtowashyourdishesbetter andtohelpmakesavingsbyselectingawashcyclewhichbestsuitsthe typeofload.
Beforecallingtheengineer,havealookhere:alotofproblemscanhave animmediatesolution.Ifyoucan'tmanagetosolveityourself,thencall the information Help Desk- see key contacts on the back page of this booklet.
8. Safety for you and your family (p.9)
Readthischaptercarefully,asitwillprovideyouwithusefulinformation oninstallation,useandmaintenancesafety.Toavoidnastysurprises.
9. Special care and maintenance (p.10)
Onceinawhile,onceamonth,spendalittletimeonthefilterassembly andthesprayerarms.
10. Keeping your dishwasher in shape (p.10)
Respectthefewrulesyouwillfindhere,andtheresultwillbeanenduring trouble freedishwasher.
11. Technical characteristics (p. 2)
All your appliance's technical data, in accordance with norms and regulationsasalways.
12. Hotpoint is still with you after purchase (p.12)
Hotpoint supports its products by means of
HOTPOINT - Instructions for installation and use 1