Detergent and rinse aid
Only use specific dishwasher detergents. Pour the detergent into the dispenser on the inside of the door. Before the wash cycle starts!
The detergent |
Loading the detergent | B |
ToopenlidA,pressbuttonB.The |
| |
| |
detergentshouldbepouredintothe |
| C | |
twocontainersCandDuptothe |
| D | ||
rim. |
| |
| |
Nowyoucanclosethelid:pressit |
downuntilyouhearitclick. |
| |
If youprefer to use thedetergent | 15 gr. |
| 5 gr. | |
in tablets, place one of these in |
| |||
| |
container"D".Nowyoucanclose |
thelid:pressitdownuntilyouhear |
itclick. |
It won't close! |
Check whether there is any |
| A |
detergentresidueontheedgesof |
| |
thedispenser.Itisduetothisresi- |
duethatthelidwon'tclose.Getrid |
ofitandyou'llseethatitcloses. |
Useful tips
•Use the right amount of detergent: if you use too much, you will not get cleaner dishes, but just m o r e
e n v i r o n m e n t a l p o l l u t i o n .
•Keep your
d i s h w a s h e r detergent and rinse aid in a cool, dry place and away from c h i l d r e n .
The rinse aid.
Thisproductmakesdishessparkle more as it improves their drying. Therinseaidcontainerissituated ontheinsideoftheappliancedoor; you should refill it when you see the container is empty by means ofindicator “D”.
(Ifyourdishwasherisfittedwitha “low rinse aid” indicator light, fill thecontainerupwhentheindicator lightflashesorlightsup).
Loading the rinse aid.
Toopenthedispenser,turncapC anticlockwise.Takecarewhenyou pour in the rinse aid to avoid it overflowing. You can adapt the amount of rinse aid used by the dishwasher:regulatetheadjuster FwhichyouwillfindunderlidC.
You can choose from six different positions. It is normally set to 2.
Proper dosage of
the rinse aid
improves drying. If drops of water remain on the dishes or spotting occurs, turn the dosage adjuster to a higher setting. If, on the other hand, the dishes have white streaks, then turn the dosage adjuster down to a lower setting.
In any case, please read the manufacturer's instructions provided on the packet.
If you use only these products, it is normal for the salt and rinse aid indicator lights to flash permanently after a certain number of cycles.
HOTPOINT - Instructions for installation and use 5