DISHWASHER Troubleshooting

If you have a problem, read this

Your dishwasher may not work or not function properly. In many cases, these are problems which can be solved without having to call for a technician. Before calling the service centre, always check the points below.

The dishwasher won't start

Isthewatersupplytapturned on?

Is the water supply tap connectedtothehoseproperly?

Has the water in your home beencutoff?

Is the pressure of the water supplysufficient?


Isthefilteronthewatersupply hoseblocked?


The dishes are not clean.

Haveyouputtherightamount ofdetergentintothedispenser?

Is the wash cycle suitable for the dishes you have placed insidetheappliance?

Are the filter and microfilter clean?

Can the sprayer arms turn


The dishwasher won't drain.


Limescale deposits or a white film form on the dishes.

Is the lid on the salt container closedproperly?


Error messages

Yourdishwasherisequippedwith a safety system which is able to detect any operating anomalies. Theseanomaliesarereportedby oneor twocyclephaseindicator lights "G" flashing rapidly. Take a note of which lights are flashing, turntheapplianceoffandcallfor technicalassistance.

Tap off alarm

If you have forgotten to turn the watertapon,yourappliancewill remind you of this by sounding a fewshortbeepsforafewminutes. Turnthetaponandyourappliance willstartupagainafterafewmin- utes.Wereyoutobeabsentwhen thesebeepsaresounded,theappli- ancewillbeblockedautomatically andcyclephase2and3indicator lights(washandrinses)willflash rapidly.

Turn the appliance off at the ON- OFFbutton,turnonthewatertap andwaitapproximately20seconds beforeturningtheapplianceback on.

Re-select a wash cycle as indi- cated in the "Selecting the wash cycle"paragraphandtheappliance willstart.

You have checked everything, but the dishwasher still doesn't work and the problem persists?

Call the information Help Desk - see Key Contacts (back page of booklet),quoting:



-these are found on the rating plate label, located on the inner door,tooneside.

Never call upon the services of unauthorised technicians and always refuse spare parts that are not originals.

Safety within your home

Your dishwasher was built in accordance with the strictest international safety regulations. They protect you and your family. Read the instructions and information contained in this manual: they will provide you with useful hints as to installation, use and maintenance safety. To avoid nasty surprises.

1.Dispose of the packaging materialcarefully(followthe instructionsonhowtodivide yourrubbishupprovidedby yourlocalCouncil)

2.After removing the packaging, check to make sureyourapplianceisintact. Ifindoubt,contactaqualified professional.

3.Yourdishwashermustonlybe usedbyadultsandforwashing householddishes,accordingto the instructions included in thismanual.Donottouchthe appliancewithwethandsor feetorbarefoot.

4.We discourage the use of extensionleadsandmultiple plugs.Iftheelectricitysupply wireisnotlongenough,then have it replaced with one of the correct length and remember that it should be free of bends or dangerous kinks.

5.Iftheapplianceisnotoperating properly or if maintenance operations are necessary, disconnect the dishwasher fromthemainspowersupply (unplugit!).

6.Keepchildrenawayfromthe dishwasherwhenitisopenand keep detergents out of their reach.

7.Yourdishwasherisnottobe installedoutdoors,notevenif theareaiscoveredbyaroof: it is extremely dangerous to leave it exposed to rain and thunderstorms.

8.Do not touch the heating elementduringorstraightafter awashcycle.

9.Donotleanorsitonthedoor whenitisopen,asthiscould overturnthedishwasher.

10.Iftheappliancemalfunctions, turnoffthewaterinlettapand disconnecttheplugfromthe wall socket. Then try consultingthesectionentitled "I you have a problem, read this".Ifyoucannotresolvethe problem,thencalltheservice centre.

11.Once taken out of use, appliances must be made inoperable: cut the power supplywireanddamagethe doorlock.

10HOTPOINT - Instructions for installation and use

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Hotpoint D C 27 manual If you have a problem, read this, Safety within your home