| Electrical Requirements | This cooker must not be used free standing. | ||||||||
GB | ||||||||||
For your own safety, we recommend that your cooker | Note; This cooker must not be fitted on a platform. | |||||||||
| is installed by a competent person such as one who |
| |
| ||
| is registered with NICEIC (National Inspection | FINAL INSTALLATION | ||||||||
| Council for Electrical Installation Contracting). The | a. | Ensure that the adjacent cabinets and the gap | |||||||
| cooker should be installed in accordance with the |
| between them have dimensions in accordance with | |||||||
| latest edition of the IEE Regulations. |
| the diagram. | |||||||
| b. | Assemble the plastic plugs provided into the fixing | |||||||
| Warning: This appliance must be earthed. |
| brackets. See diagram. | |||||||
| c. | Fix the fixing brackets to the sides of the adjacent | |||||||
| Electrical Connections |
| cabinets so that the centre line of the brackets are | |||||||
| The installer must check that the voltage shown on |
| 570mm above the top of the plinth line and the front | |||||||
| the rating plate corresponds with the house |
| face of the plastic plug is level with the front face | |||||||
| electricity supply. The cooker must be supplied via |
| of the cabinet sides. See diagram. | |||||||
| a suitable double pole isolating switch, having a | d. | Adjust the feet on the cooker to their minimum | |||||||
| contact separation of at least 3mm in all poles |
| position, i.e. fully screwed in. | |||||||
| placed in a readily accessible position adjacent to | e. | Slide the cooker centrally into the space between | |||||||
| the cooker. If the cooker is to be wired into a |
| the cabinets ensuring the following: | |||||||
| connector unit, this may be positioned behind the |
| i) The gap between the cabinet sides and the | |||||||
| cooker providing the following requirements are met: |
| cooker is even along the length of the cabinet | ||||||
| i) The connector unit must not project from the wall |
| sides. | ||||||
| more than 25mm. |
| ii) The cable is routed away from any vents in the | |||||||
| ii) The top of the connector must not be more than |
| rear panel and is not trapped between the cooker | ||||||
| 130mm above floor level. |
| and the wall, adjacent cabinets or under the feet | ||||||
| Remove the terminal cover at the rear base of the | f. | Adjust the feet using an open ended spanner until | |||||||
| cooker. Pass the cable through the cable clamp and |
| the bottom of the cooker door is in line with the top | |||||||
| connect to the appropriate terminals provided. |
| of the plinth. Using a spirit level, check that the | |||||||
| Allow sufficient cable for any future servicing. |
| cooker is level in all directions. | |||||||
| Tighten the screws on the cable clamp and replace | g. | Check that the plinth can be fitted. If necessary re | |||||||
| the cover. Make main connections in the connector |
| - adjust the feet and check that the cooker is level. | |||||||
| unit or cooker control unit. This appliance conforms |
| Then lock the feet into position by tightening the | |||||||
| to B.S. EN 55014 regarding suppression of Radio |
| lock nut using an open ended spanner. | |||||||
| and Television reception interference. | h. | Open the top oven door and fix the cooker to the | |||||||
| A double Pole control switch having a minimum |
| brackets through the holes in the side trims. | |||||||
| rating of 32 amps should be used to feed the cooker | i. | Fix the plinth in position. | |||||||
| using a suitably rated cable. Where a hob is fitted | j. | Ensure that there is a minimum gap of 1mm | |||||||
| adjacent to or over the cooker, a 45 amp Double |
| between the cooker side trim and the adjacent | |||||||
| Pole control switch should be used to feed both |
| cabinet doors or drawer fronts. | |||||||
| units via separate suitably rated cables. | k. | If a hob is to be installed directly above the cooker | |||||||
| We recommend a minimum of 4mm2 PVC insulated |
| it must not project downwards more than 20mm | |||||||
| twin and earth cable conforming to B.S. 6004 for |
| below the underside of the work top. Any projection | |||||||
| connection of each appliance. |
| of more than 10mm must not project more than | |||||||
| In all cases adhere to routing details (see fig. 5). |
| 500mm from the wall. | |||||||
| ||
| This appliance must not be installed over any other | Fig. 5 | ||||||||
| appliance that generates heat such as a plinth heater. | |||||||||
| ||
| Note: Due to many different types of installation, a |
| |
| mains cable is not supplied with this product. The |
| |
| ||
| installer will fit the correct type and length of cable. |
| |
| |
| The appliance is designed to be mounted on a floor |
| |
| between two adjacent cabinets. |
| |
| The cabinets must be securely fixed to the wall and |
| |
| ||
| the cooker securely fixed to the cabinets. |
| |