Table 1-1 Mode Menu Settings

Setting (top line)




FIX= 2

Display precision (number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point).


Default is 2.


Key in the number of digits you want and press I, or press =until the


number of digits you want is displayed.


The display precision can be any number from 0-11. If you specify –1, the calculator


displays numbers with the most appropriate number of digits after the decimal point.

If you find you need to change the FIX setting often, use the following shortcut:

1.Press :and release it. Check that the secondary function indicator is displayed.

2.Press :again, and, without releasing it, press a key, 0through 9that

corresponds to the desired FIX setting. FIX settings for 10 and 11 are not available using this shortcut. If you press .instead of a numbered key, FIX= –1 is selected.

Degree or Radian

Angular mode in degrees or radians for trigonometric functions.


Default is Degree.


Pressing Itoggles between these options.




Format for dates. December 3, 2010 is entered as 12.032010 in mm.ddyyyy format, or

mm.ddyyyy or

3.122010 in dd.mmyyyy format. Note the (.) in both formats separating the first and second

groups. The valid range of dates is October 15, 1582 to December 31, 9999.


Default is mm.ddyyyy format.



Pressing Itoggles between these options.


Note that when a date is displayed, a number between 1 and 7 also displays at the right of


the screen. This number indicates the day of the week corresponding to that date. Monday


is 1, and Sunday is 7.


NOTE: in 360-day calendar mode (Cal.360), days of the week are displayed only if the


date is valid.



1.23 or 1,23

Selects point or comma as decimal separator.


Default is decimal point, 1.23.


Pressing Itoggles between these options.



1000.00, 1,000.00,

Selects thousands separator.

1000,00 or 1.000,00

Default is none, 1000.00



Pressing Itoggles between these options.


NOTE: the 1000.00 and 1,000.00 options are only available if the decimal separator is


set for point (.); 1000,00 and 1.000,00 are available only if the decimal separator is set


for comma (,).

Chain, Algebraic, or RPN Calculation mode. For more information, refer to Chapter 2, Mathematical Calculations. Pressing Icycles through these options.

English, Français,

Language setting for the messages displayed on the screen.

Deutch, or Español

Default is English.



Pressing Icycles through these options.



Basic Features