Chain Mode

Calculations in Chain mode are interpreted in the order in which they are entered. For example, entering the following numbers and operations as written from left to right, 1+2*3=, returns 9. See Figure 2.

Figure 2 Calculation in Chain Mode

NOTE: if you press an operator key, +-*/, after =, the calculation is continued using the currently displayed value.

In Chain mode, if you wish to override the left to right order of entry, use parentheses (Dto prioritize operations.

For example, to calculate 1 + (2 x 3), you may enter the problem as written from left to right, with parentheses to prioritize the multiplication operation. See Table 2-1below.

Table 2-1 Simple Arithmetic Calculations in Chain Mode











Sets operational priority, inputs numbers,





and multiplies 2 and 3.















Adds 1 to 6 and returns 7.00 on the bottom





line as the final result.









Algebraic Mode

To set the calculator in Algebraic mode, refer to the section titled, The Mode Menu: Setting Preferences in Chapter 1.

In Algebraic mode, multiplication and division have a higher priority than addition and subtraction. For example, in Algebraic mode, pressing 1+2*3= returns a result of 7.00. In Chain mode, the same key presses return a result of 9.00.

In Algebraic mode, operations between two numbers have the following priority:

Highest priority: the power function ( y x )

Second priority: combinations and permutations

Third priority: multiplication and division

Lowest priority: addition and subtraction

12 Mathematical Calculations