Store zero in it: Press 0 Hvariable.

To clear selected variables:

1.Press zX{#} and use z˜or z—to display the variable.

2.Press zb.

3.Press †to cancel the catalog.

To clear all variables at once:

Press zb{# }.

Arithmetic with Stored Variables

Storage arithmetic and recall arithmetic allow you to do calculations with a number stored in a variable without recalling the variable into the stack. A calculation uses one number from the X–register and one number from the specified variable.

Storage Arithmetic

Storage arithmetic uses H™, H„, Hy, or Hpto do arithmetic in the variable itself and to store the result there. It uses the value in the X–register and does riot affect the stack.

New value of variable = Previous value of variable {+, –, , } x.

For example, suppose you want to reduce the value in A(15) by the number in the X–register (3, displayed). Press H„A. Now A = 12, while 3 is still in the display.

3–4 Storing Data into Variables

File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424


Printed Date : 2003/4/24

Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm