HP manual HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Models: 430

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System Error: Steady DM 5 Obstacle or friction in X5axis￿ Faulty or badly connected X5axis Encoder Cable￿ Faulty media motor￿ or motor cable pinched￿ Faulty electronics module￿

System Error: Steady DEFK 5 Not enough memory for current plot￿ Add extra memory￿ If this error code appeared while performing the Accuracy Calibration￿ Check that the quality of the Accuracy Calibration print is good￿ If the quality is bad￿ try to clean the black cartridge or replace it￿ Make sure that you load the Accuracy Calibration print in the correct position and orientation￿ and make sure that you select the correct media type￿ Make sure that the line sensor on the carriage is clean￿ Faulty Trailing Cable￿ Faulty Carriage Assembly￿ Faulty Electronics Module￿

System Error:

Steady DFK 5 Check the Bail Assembly￿ Check the Capping Position in

the Service Station￿






System Error:

Steady DEFM 5 Check the bail5lift system to see if it is working

correctly￿ Use the bail cycle test to help troubleshoot￿




System Error:

Steady DLM 5 Is X5axis calibration done? Did you load media in correct

orientation? Are the marks visible on the plot? If not￿ check cartridges￿ Are cartridges correctly aligned? If so￿ the problem may be in the electronics module￿ media motor or drive5roller gear; if alignment is incorrect￿ the problem may be in the carriage￿

System Error:

Steady FL 5 The Printer is using an old Firmware revision 5 Install the

latest firmware revision￿




System Error:

Steady DEFL 5 Report the problem to your HP Response Center￿ Note

conditions and actions before error occurred￿ Include setup sheet and service configuration plot in report￿

System Error:

Steady DEL 5 Incorrect configuration in communications speed￿protocol￿

Incorrect communications cable￿ Error in host computer￿




System Error:

Steady DFL 5 Replace the Electronics Module￿




System Error:

Steady DKL 5 The line on the mark encoder is dirty or missing￿ Faulty or

badly connected trailing cable￿ Faulty or badly connected carriage sensor￿ Faulty or badly connected X5axis Encoder Cable￿ The drive roller has shifted slightly from the expected position ￿mechanics￿￿ Check that the carriage sensor lights just over the white mark on the drive roller when starting￿ Faulty carriage PCA￿ Faulty X5motor￿ Faulty Y5motor￿ Faulty electronics module￿

System Error:

Steady EFL 5 Problems in the Centronics Communications￿ Probably

due to the bad contacts of the connector￿




System Error:

Steady FKL 5 Carriage assembly is not present￿ Faulty or badly

connected trailing cable￿ Faulty carriage PCA￿ Faulty electronics module￿

4 Quick Reference Service Manual

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

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HP manual HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers