2.45`‚¹ 2.3\`„¸

Three trigonometric functions are readily available in the keyboard: sine (S), cosine (T), and tangent (U). Arguments of these functions are angles in either degrees, radians, grades. The following examples use angles in degrees (DEG):

In ALG mode:


In RPN mode:


The inverse trigonometric functions available in the keyboard are the arcsine („¼), arccosine („¾), and arctangent („À). The answer from these functions will be given in the selected angular measure (DEG, RAD, GRD). Some examples are shown next:

In ALG mode:


In RPN mode:


All the functions described above, namely, ABS, ABS, SQ, , ^, XROOT, LOG, ALOG, LN, EXP, SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, can be combined with the fundamental operations (+-*/) to form more complex expressions. The Equation Writer, whose operations is described in Chapter 2, is ideal for building such expressions, regardless of the calculator operation mode.

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