which shows as 65_(myd). To convert to units of the SI system, use function UBASE (find it using the command catalog, ‚N):

Note: Recall that the ANS(1) variable is available through the keystroke combination „î(associated with the `key).

To calculate a division, say, 3250 mi / 50 h, enter it as (3250_mi)/(50_h) `

which transformed to SI units, with function UBASE, produces:

Addition and subtraction can be performed, in ALG mode, without using parentheses, e.g., 5 m + 3200 mm, can be entered simply as

5_m + 3200_mm `.

More complicated expression require the use of parentheses, e.g.,

(12_mm)*(1_cm^2)/(2_s) `:

Stack calculations in the RPN mode, do not require you to enclose the different terms in parentheses, e.g.,

12_m `1.5_yd ` *

3250_mi `50_h `/

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