1-1D E S C R I P T I O N1-2 This power supply, Figure 1-1,is completely transistorized and suitable for either bench or relay rack operations, The dual supply consists of two independently controlled dual range sections; both identical to the other. Each section can furnish either a 0-40 Volt output at 300mA or a 0-20 Volt output at 600mA. Each section has its own front panel meter and operating controls, The operating modes (40V or 20V) are selected by means of the front panel RANGE switches, The VOLTAGE controls permit each output voltage to be continuously adjusted throughout either output range.
Figure 1-1. DC Power Supply, Model 6205B
TM 11-6625-2965-14&Pmay be programmed from a remote location by means of an external voltage source or resistance.
b. Remote Sensing. The degradation in regulation which would occur at the load because of the voltage drop which takes place in the load leads can be reduced by using the power supply in the remote sensing mode of operation.
c.Series and Auto-Series Operation, Power supplies may be used in series when a higher out- put voltage is required in the voltage mode of op- eration or when greater voltage compliance is re- quired in the constant current mode of operation, Auto-Series operation permits one knob control of the total output voltage from a “master” supply.
d.Parallel and Auto-Parallel Operation, The power supply may be operated in parallel with a
similar | unit | when greater | output current capability |
is required. | Auto-Parallel | operation permits one |
knob control of the total output current from a |
“master” | supply. | |
e.Auto-Tracking. The power supply may be used as a “master” supply, having control over one (or more) “slave” supplies that furnish various volt- ages for a system.
1-6 SPECIFICATIONS1-7 Detailed specifications for the power supply are given in Table 1-1.
1 - 8 O P T I O N S