l-2 This instrument (Figure 1-l) is an all semi- conductor high voltage supply suitable for either
bench or relay rack opwation. It is a compact,
well-regulated, Constant Voltage/Current Limited supply that will furnish 3, 000 volts et 6 m~lliampS or carp be adjustEd throughout the output voltage
range, It is designed for *ppIicattons rwuiring
extreme EtabilIty, regulation, and insensitivity to ambient temperature variations.
l-3 This supply utilizes a series regulated
“piggy-back” circuit technique.that consists of
placing e well-regulated low voltage power supply
in series with e lees well-regulated supply having
a greeter vo!tage capa.bility. The well-regulated
“piggy-back” supply continuously com!x”setee for any ripple, load regulation, or Iine regulation de- ficiencies of the main power source end adjusts the voltage across its series regulator so that the total output voltage remains constant despite dis- turbances in the main voltage source.
1-S The voltage thumbwheel witches select the constant voltage level: an internal potentiometer
selecte the current limit level. The supply will
automatically crossover frbm conetant voltage to currant limit operatim and vice versa if the output current or voltage exceeds these preset levels.
Detailed characteristics of the output current iim- ittng are given in Paragraph 3-5.
l-6 The powor supply is protected from .+everse voltage (positive voltage applied to negative ter- minal) by en internal protection diode thet shunts current across the output terminal6 when this con-
dition exists, clamping tha reveree voltage. Pro- tection from rewrse current (current forced into the power $upply in the direction oppoiite to the output current) must be provided by prebading the power supply (Paragraph 3-151, The power euppIy cannot accept reverse current without damage.
l-10 Output power is available vie ,mo WG-931/U connectors mounted on the front panel of the sup-
ply, Mating cornwctors (UC=-932/U) are supplied with the unit. The output terminals are isolated from the chassis and either the positive or the neg- ative terminal tnay be connected to the chassis by shorting the cer~ter ptn tQ the case of the epplica< ble VG-931/U connector, or by grounding e wire
from the connector to the chassis, The p0Wer *UP- ply is insulated to permit operation up to 1,000 volts dc off ground, i. e. the maximum potential between either output terminal end ground shall not exceed 4KVdc,
l,-12 Detailed specificatlone for the Pow” SUPPlY are. given tn Table 1-l.
l-14 Options are factory modifications of a stand- ard instrument that are requested by the customer, The following options are available for the instrum mmt covered by this manual. Where necessary. detaIled option information (operation, alignment, etc.) is included throughout the manual,
Option No* Wescription
05 5OHz Inwt Modification, Factory modification includes the substitution of 60&z with SOHz magnetic compo- nent as indicated at the end of the perte 1Ist in Section VI. In addition, the overvoltage ProtectIon adjustment is rechecked, refer to Section V.
1823OVac +lO%, Sinqle-Phase Xnput. Factwy modiftcation includes the in- stallation of a 230 volt input trans- former to replace the standard 115 volt
transformers es indicated at the reer of the parts list in Section VI.
l-16 The accessories listed in the following chart may be ordered wtth the power supply or SePeretel~