To run HP PC Recovery CD-DVD Creator:

1Close any open programs. To close programs, click X in the upper-right corner of each window.

2Click Start on the taskbar.

3Choose All Programs.

4Choose Hewlett-Packard.

5Choose HP Pavilion PC Tools.

6Click HP PC Recovery CD-DVD Creator. The creator window appears.

7Follow the onscreen instructions. Label each disc as you make it.

Store the recovery discs in a safe place.

Using HP Recovery Tools CD

Your PC allows you to create (burn) a Recovery Tools CD. After you make the HP Recovery Tools CD, you can use it to:

Read instructions to use each utility on the Recovery Tools CD.

Start the System Recovery program from the recovery partition.

Remove the System Recovery partition from your PC hard disk drive to increase space for data.

Create a new data partition on your PC hard disk drive.

Start the Microsoft Recovery Console (a utility from Microsoft that can perform operating system diagnostics and repairs).


Quick Start Guide 101