Regulatory model identification number SDGOA-0701
For regulatory identification purposes, the product is assigned a Regulatory Model Number. The Regulatory Model Number for the product is
Environmental statements
For Environmental Stewardship information, see the onscreen Help.
Find more information
Your new HP Photosmart A520 series printer comes with the following documentation:
•Setup Guide: The setup instructions explain how to set up the printer, install the HP Photosmart software, and print a photo. Read this document first.
•Basics Guide: This is the book you are reading.
•Onscreen Help: The onscreen Help describes how to use the printer with or without a computer and contains troubleshooting information.
After you have installed the HP Photosmart software on your computer, you can view the onscreen Help on your computer:
•Windows PC: From the Start menu, select Programs (in Windows XP or Vista, select All Programs) > HP > HP Photosmart A520 series > Photosmart Help.
•Mac: Select Help > Mac Help in the Finder, then select Library > HP Product Help.
Printer specifications
For a complete list of specifications, see the onscreen Help. For information on accessing the onscreen Help, see “Find more information” on page 13.
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows XP Home, XP Professional, x64 Edition, or Vista Mac® OS X 10.3x, 10.4x
Environmental Specifications
Maximum during operation:
Recommended during operation:
Power Consumption
Printing: 14.46 W
Idle: 8.67 W
Off: 6.63 W
Printing: 13.56 W
Idle: 8.41 W
Off: 7.19 W
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