section 1

hp storage white paper


The HP Virtual Array accepts new disks while

automating the cache


the array is up and running and accepting I/Os


as with some higher-end traditional arrays.


However, the HP Virtual Array takes it one step


further. Once the disk is inserted, the array

Configuring a traditional array typically requires

setting the cache parameters such as the percentage

automatically includes that disk into the existing

of read and write cache, the size of the cache

disk space and stripes all LUNs across that disk.

pages, and, in some cases, the allocation of cache

This means that even without the creation of any

to specific LUNs. In making these determinations,

additional LUNs, the array performance will

there is ample opportunity for error.



improve because of the additional available






spindle. Only the HP Virtual Array automatically

With HP’s Virtual Arrays, all of this is preset and

adds the new disks to existing LUNs. Further,

automatic. And this means that all the parameters

any newly created LUNs are also automatically

within the array are tuned to work in unison with

spread across all the disks in the array, including

the stripe size and the array hardware. First, the

the additional disk.

cache is set at 80% read and 20% write, is


time to implementation:

shared between controllers, and is treated as a

“pool.” Second, the cache page size is set at

formatting the array

64K and is set to automatically destage to disk

As mentioned earlier, after new disks are added

every 4 seconds whether the page is full or not.

The 64K size minimizes the number of I/Os to

to a traditional array, it then takes several hours

the back-end in sequential environments and

to complete the formatting of the RAID group.

provides a carefully calculated balance within the

During this format phase, no data can be written

array between the number of cache pages and the

to the new LUNs. With some implementations,

speed of the back-end in random environments.

the array is offline until all the LUNs have been




formatted. In other implementations, I/Os can




be written to already formatted LUNs even while




other LUNs are going through the format

Traditional arrays are susceptible to “hot spots” and

process, although performance is very slow.

to changes in the environment that make the initial

Because executing the disk format command

configuration obsolete. The HP Virtual Array virtually

eliminates these critical performance issues.

uses up so much of the array’s internal bandwidth,




array performance is greatly reduced until all

First, the HP Virtual Array is far less likely to

of the disk formatting has been completed.

experience a hot spot—in other words, it will

With HP’s Virtual Array Technology, the array is

almost never experience a condition where a

immediately available as soon as the LUNs have

few disk drives become a performance bottleneck

been configured. The disk formatting is done as

in the array. Here’s why: the virtual array

the writes are done. In other words, as writes

always (and automatically) stripes all of the

are sent to disk, the formatting is accomplished

LUNs across all of the disks in the RAID group.

for only those blocks being written to. This means

For example: assume a virtual array loaded with

that while there is a small hit to performance for

a total of 60 disks had 30 disks in each of its

that individual write, there is very, very little

two RAID/redundancy groups. Every LUN in

impact on overall array performance.

that group would be spread across all 30 disks.


Page 11
Image 11
HP AutoRAID 12H manual Automating the cache, Parameters, Time to implementation, Formatting the array, Performance