Caution: Power is continuous to the system board and power supply even when the power switch is turned off. To prevent damage to the unit, disconnect the power cord from the power source or the unit before beginning disassembly procedures.
1S 2L. Num Lock blinking. System memory not present or incompatible. Unplug, open computer, and check memory modules. Ensure memory modules are correct type and that they match in size and speed.
1L 2S. Cap Lock blinking. Video controller not present or incorrectly initialized. Ensure monitor is plugged in. Unplug, open computer, and check video card. Reseat card and ensure it is in the proper expansion slot.
1L 3S. All keyboard LEDs blinking. ROM Failure. Create ROMPaq diskette and reload ROM. Download ROMPaq from Compaq website at www.compaq.com.
2L 1S. Scroll Lock blinking. System HW failure prior to video. Unplug, open computer, and check for physical damage. Ensure all cables and cards are seated. Look for burn marks or smoke.
No beeps. HD and Power LED blinking. Riser not detected. Unplug, open computer, and check and reseat riser board.
Continued on Page
Notes: Short (S) and long (L) beeps will only be heard if the system has a speaker.
LEDs will only function on PS/2 keyboards, not USB.