Getting Started

You can obtain the latest support software, including support software for the operating system from:

You can also obtain the latest support software through a subscription to the Compaq Support CD Kit using the Support Software Management order form available at the following Web site:


This site also provides information on how to purchase a subscription.

If the computer has an optical RW drive, you must install the appropriate application to be able to write to the drive. To install the application, double-click the Setup Software icon on the desktop or the application launcher and select the Easy CD Creator and Direct CD option when prompted.

Customizing the Monitor Display

You can manually select or change the monitor model, refresh rates, screen resolution, color settings, font sizes, and power management settings. To do so, right- click on the Windows Desktop, then click Properties to change display settings. For more information, refer to the online documentation provided with the graphics controller utility or the documentation that came with your monitor.

Protecting the Software

To protect the software from loss or damage, you should keep a backup copy of all system software, applications, and related files stored on the hard drive. Refer to the operating system or backup utility documentation for instructions on making backup copies of your data files.