advanced network settings 67 audio 64
audio test 65
copyright information 73 encoding format 65 encoding rate 64 external devices 71
file sharing 68 general information 72 home networking 68 host name 67 Internet connection 66 network settings 66 prompt before dialing 69 scheduling 70
update time 70 setup
shipping information (buying CDs) 61 shopping cart 61
shuffle 14 shuffle/repeat button 14 skip back button 16 skip forward button 16 sleep mode 22 software version 73 Sonicblue Rio 500 49, 71 stop button 17
subnet mask 89, 92, 93
telephone availability
time zone 70, 84
track information, editing 42 track titles 31 transferring music
from networked PC 33 supported portable devices 71 to CD 46
to portables 49 transport controls 16, 17 troubleshooting 97
tv connection 80 tv display 37
when playing a CD 27
when playing music in library 37 when recording 29
typing (onscreen keyboard) 18
unwritable disc 47 up arrow button 15 update mode 21