System has misidentified the diskette drive type.
Drive not found.
Diskette drive light stays on.
Possible Solution
In Windows NT, right click Start, click SelectÆ FilePropertiesÆ Tools. Under Error-checkin Now.
2. Diskette is incorrectly inserted. Remo
3. Software program may be damaged. Check
4. Drive button is not pushed in. Push in
5. Drive cable is not properly connected.
Diskette drive cannot1.Diskewrittetois not formatted. Format the d
a diskette. 2. Diskette is write-protected. Either use write-protected or disable the write pro
3. Writing to the wrong drive. Check the d statement.
4. Not enough space is left on the diskett
5. Diskette write control is enabled. Chec write settings in Computer Setup.
Cannot format diskette. Invalid media reported. When f need to specify diskette capacity. For exa diskette, type the following command at th
FORMAT A:/F:1440
Diskette drive cannot1.Disketteread a is not formatted. Format the d
diskette. 2. Using the wrong diskette type for the d type and use a compatible diskette.
3. Reading the wrong drive. Check the driv statement.
4. Diskette drive has been disabled by Com NT, Windows 95, or Windows 98 utilities. and enable the diskette drive.
A problem has occurredThedirectorywith a structure is bad, or there i disk transaction. Windows 95 or 98, run ÆScanDiskProgramsÆ.Click Star AccessoriesÆSystem ÆToolsScanDisk.
In Windows NT, right click Start, click Ex FileÆPropertiesÆTools. Under Error-checking, cl
diskette from the drive.
If a diskette drive other than a 3.5-inch, 1.44-MB drive has been installed, ensure that the drive type is identified correctly under Computer Setup.
1. Reseat the diskette drive cabl
2. If a second diskette drive has been in reconfiguration “HardwaredirectionsInstallation Problems”in the
1. Diskette is damaged. In Windows 95 or 98, run ScanDisk. Click Start Æ ProgramsÆAccessoriesÆ System ÆToolsScanDisk.
Diskette Drive
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