CAUTION: Do not power off the switch until the message: "Change your baud rate to 9600 bps and power cycle the switch," is displayed, otherwise, the switch will be inoperable.

10.Change the baud rate to 9600 and power off the switch, wait for a few seconds, and power on the switch.

The switch boots with the new version of the boot code image that was just downloaded.

Serial upgrade of operating system firmware procedure

To perform a serial upgrade of the switch operating system firmware image, usually named pGbE2c_100.bin:

1.Using the null modem cable, connect the console port of the switch to the serial port of a PC that supports XModem/1K XModem.

2.Start HyperTerminal (part of Microsoft Windows) or equivalent terminal emulation application (depending on the computer operating system) and set the parameters for terminal emulation console:





Baud rate




Data bits








Stop bits




Flow control




3.Power on the switch.

4.Hold down the Shift key and press the D key repeatedly during the Memory Test, until this message appears:

NOTE: To perform serial downloads at 57600 baud rate, press the Shift-F keys. To perform serial downloads at 115200 baud rate, press the Shift-D keys.

Performing a serial download 39