SSLDUMP is a Secure Sockets Layer version 3/Transport Layer Security (SSLv3/TLS) network protocol analyzer. SSLDUMP identifies SSLv3/TLS traffic, decodes the traffic, and displays the traffic in text format.
Struts provides an open source framework for building Java Web applications. The framework is based on Java servlets, JavaBeans, XML, and some Jakarta Commons packages.
Stunnel is a Universal SSL Wrapper, encrypting arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL. Stunnel secures
Sudo is a program that provides limited root privileges to specified users, and logs the root activity.
Tcpdump is a network monitoring tool.
Tripwire software is a security and data integrity tool used to monitor and alert administrators of specific file changes on a range of systems.
UDDI4J is a Java class library that provides an API to interact with a Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry.
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