Adding TTY Functionality

Adding TTY Functionality for People Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing

HP iPAQ products support Tele-typewriter (TTY) functionality, which allows people who are deaf or with hearing limitations to communicate using existing telephony infrastructure, including cell phones. To achieve this, separately purchased TTY devices must be connected to the telephones on both ends of a telephone call session, and the HP iPAQ must be configured for TTY use. The sending TTY device generates a distinct audio tone for every supported character, and these tones are decoded and converted back into text on the receiving TTY device.

Due to the use of audio compression codecs in modern digital cell phones, these TTY audio tones may be unintentionally distorted while being transmitted through cell phones. Therefore, in order for TTY devices to continue to work in cellular networks, the cell phone must be set into a mode that optimizes the compression codec to handle TTY tones instead of the human voice.

To use TTY with the HP iPAQ, an optional TTY audio adapter must be plugged into the HP iPAQ earbud jack (also called the earbud connector). This TTY audio adapter converts the pin-out of the earbud jack, which is designed for a wired earbud and stereo headphones, to the pin-out required by most TTY devices. To purchase the TTY audio adapter (part number: FA709B#AC3), visit>

Handheld Devices > Options and Accessories.

NOTE Because the HP iPAQ does not support internal Cellular Text Telephone Modem (CTM) conversion, the TTY device you use must contain CTM conversion, or you must use an external CTM adapter between the HP iPAQ and the TTY device.

For information on connecting TTY devices or CTM adapters to the HP iPAQ, refer to the TTY device or CTM adapter manufacturer’s documentation.

HP is committed to developing products, services and information that are accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities or age-related limitations. For more information, visit accessibility.

Enabling TTY Support

NOTE Before enabling TTY (Tele-typewriter) support on the HP iPAQ, connect a 2.5 mm connector into the earbud jack or the setting reverts back to disabled. For example, plug in the optional TTY audio adapter into the earbud jack first, as described below. Once you enable TTY support, you can remove the 2.5 mm connector and TTY remains enabled on the HP iPAQ until you disable it.

1.Connect the TTY device to the TTY audio adapter (1).

18 Chapter 2 Phone