

Why install JetSend® for Pocket PC Devices?

Installing JetSend for Pocket PC Devices lets you take advantage of JetSend communications protocol on your Microsoft® Windows®- powered Pocket PC device. With JetSend for Pocket PC Devices loaded, you can exchange documents, images, email, appointments, tasks, and contact information with any other JetSend-enabled device—no cables or special drivers needed.

Requirements for installation

The following table lists requirements for installing JetSend for Pocket PC Devices on your mobile device.


Mobile device ￿ Storage memory for installation: 1300 KB.

￿Total memory (minimum) for operation: 4 MB. (The amount of memory used during operation depends on the complexity of the document you are exchanging.)

￿Microsoft Windows for Pocket PC (version 3.0).

￿Infrared capability: Infrared Data Association (IrDA) 1.2. FIR (Fast Infrared) transfer speed is recommended for best performance.


￿ Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT


Workstation 4.0.


￿ Synchronization: Microsoft ActiveSync 3.0.


￿ JetSend for Pocket PC Devices setup program.