When the pump is handling hazardous liquids care must be taken to avoid exposure to the liquid by appropriate sitting of the pump, limiting personnel access and by operator training. If the liquid is flammable and/or explosive, strict safety procedures must be applied.
Gland packing must not be used when pumping hazardous liquids. PREVENT EXCESSIVE EXTERNAL PIPE LOAD
Do not use pump as a support for piping. Do not mount expansion joints, unless allowed by Flowserve in writing, so that their force, due to internal pressure, acts on the pump flange.
ENSURE CORRECT LUBRICATION (See section 5, Commissioning, startup, operation and shutdown.)
(Unless otherwise instructed at a specific point in the User Instructions.)
This is recommended to minimize the risk of overloading and damaging the pump motor at full or zero flow. Pumps may be started with the valve further open only on installations where this situation cannot occur. Pump outlet valve shall may need to be adjusted to comply with the duty following the run- up process. (See section 5, Commissioning
Running the pump at zero flow or below the recommended minimum flow continuously will cause damage to the seal.
DO NOT RUN THE PUMP AT ABNORMALLY HIGH OR LOW FLOW RATES Operating at a flow rate higher than normal or at a flow rate with no backpressure on the pump may overload the motor and cause cavitation. Low flow rates may cause a reduction in pump/bearing life, overheating of the pump, instability and cavitation/vibration.
The following instructions for pumps and pump units when installed in potentially explosive atmospheres must be followed to help ensure explosion protection.
The terminology and procedures ensure that the installed pump is in compliance with the European Directive 94/9/EC, known as the ATEX Directive, which is mandatory in Europe and may also be specified in other countries. Where applicable, both electrical and
Even if the installation is in a region where ATEX is not the applicable regulation, the general measures described shall be followed to ensure safe operation.
The measures are explained under the headings of:
Avoiding excessive surface temperature
Preventing build up of explosive mixtures
Preventing the generation of sparks
Preventing leakages
Maintaining the pump to avoid hazard Scope of compliance Use equipment only in the zone for which it is appropriate. Always check that the driver, drive coupling assembly, seal and pump equipment are suitably rated and/or certified for the classification of the specific atmosphere in which they are to be installed.
Where Flowserve has supplied only the bare shaft pump, the Ex rating applies only to the pump. The party responsible for assembling the pump set shall select the coupling, driver and any additional equipment, with the necessary CE Declaration of Conformity establishing it is suitable for the area in which it is to be installed.
The output from a variable frequency drive (VFD) can cause additional heating affects in the motor and so, for pumps sets with a VFD, the ATEX Certification for the motor must state that it is covers the situation where electrical supply is from the VFD. This particular requirement still applies even if the VFD is in a safe area.
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