H Rolling Upgrade for Metrocluster

This appendix elaborates the procedures for completing a rolling upgrade of Metrocluster versions. Following are the topics discussed in this appendix:

“Rolling Upgrade Overview” (page 511)

“Rolling Upgrade in Metrocluster Configurations” (page 512)

“Limitations of the Rolling Upgrade for Metrocluster” (page 513)

“Upgrading Replication Management Software” (page 513)

Rolling Upgrade Overview

Metrocluster configurations without Site Aware Disaster Tolerant Architecture (SADTA) feature configured follow the HP Serviceguard rolling upgrade procedure. The HP Serviceguard documentation includes rolling upgrade procedures to upgrade the Serviceguard version, the HP-UX operating environment, as well as other software. This Serviceguard procedure, along with recommendations, guidelines and limitations, is applicable to upgrading Metrocluster versions that do not use the SADTA feature. For more information on completing a rolling upgrade of HP Serviceguard, see the Managing Serviceguard, Nineteenth Edition guide, available at http:// www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs —> HP Serviceguard.

For Metrocluster configurations without the SADTA feature configured, certain additional steps must be completed while performing the rolling upgrade.

Figure 86 is a graphical representation of the procedures to be followed while performing a rolling upgrade for Metrocluster configurations with and without SADTA.

Figure 86 Rolling Upgrade Procedure for Metrocluster

Rolling Upgrade Overview 511