The subsequent sections describe the procedures for completing a rolling upgrade for Metrocluster configurations with SADTA. These sections describe upgrading HP Serviceguard, HP-UX, and Metrocluster Replication software in Metrocluster configurations.

Rolling Upgrade in Metrocluster Configurations

This section describes the procedures for completing a rolling upgrade in Metrocluster with and without SADTA configured. This section also discusses how to complete a rolling upgrade of HP Serviceguard, HP-UX, and Metrocluster Replication software in Metrocluster configurations.

Following are the topics discussed in this section:

“Upgrading Metrocluster without SADTA Configured” (page 512)

“Upgrading Metrocluster with SADTA Configured” (page 512)

Upgrading Metrocluster without SADTA Configured

To perform a rolling upgrade of Metrocluster without SADTA configured, complete the following steps:

1.Disable package switching for all Metrocluster packages.

2.Install the new Metrocluster software on all nodes.

3.Enable package switching for all Metrocluster packages.

To upgrade the HP-UX version, SGeRAC or HP Serviceguard software, complete the procedures outlined in the Managing HP Serviceguard, Nineteenth Edition, or Using Serviceguard Extension for RAC, 8th Edition, available at —> HP Serviceguard Extension for RAC.

To upgrade the array-specific replication management software, see “Upgrading Replication Management Software” (page 513).

Upgrading Metrocluster with SADTA Configured

In a Metrocluster with SADTA configured, all software upgrades including Metrocluster software, HP-UX, Serviceguard, or Serviceguard extension for RAC require additional steps to be followed. For information on upgrading the array-specific replication management software, see “Upgrading Replication Management Software” (page 513). While upgrading, ensure that the upgrade procedure is first completed on all nodes in a site prior to upgrading nodes in the other site.

Complete the following procedure to upgrade Metrocluster software, HP Serviceguard, SGeRAC, or HP-UX:

1.Identify the sites in the Metrocluster and the associated nodes.

# cmviewcl -l node

Select a site to perform the rolling upgrade.

2.Select a node in a site to perform the rolling upgrade.

#cmviewcl –l node -S <site_name>

3.View all the packages running on the selected node.

#cmviewcl -l package -n `hostname`

Identify the Site Controller Packages that are running on the node.

4.Move all Site Controller Packages running on the selected node to a different node in the same site using DETACH halt mode.

For more information on moving the Site Controller Package, see “Moving the Site Controller Package to a Node at the Local Site” (page 396).

5.Verify that there are no Site Controller Packages running on the node.

# cmviewcl -l package -n `hostname'

6.If SGeRAC is configured, then halt the Oracle software (RAC, CRS, Clusterware, and OPS) on the selected node.

512 Rolling Upgrade for Metrocluster