To change the data transfer rate, enter the scsi command from the Service Menu, using the syntax:

scsi <path> rate <rate>

Where <path> is the path to the A7173A adapter, and <rate> is the target rate setting; see the scsi help screen for acceptable <rate> values for your system. For example, the command to set the rate for the adapter shown in Example 3-4to Ultra 160 SCSI would be:

scsi 3/0/6/1/0 rate ULTRA160

The command to set the rate for the adapter shown in Example 3-4to MAX (320 MB/s) would be:

scsi 3/0/6/1/0 rate NOLIMIT

If you change the data transfer rate, HP recommends that you use the scsi <path> rate command to confirm that the rate has changed. When you are satisfied that the maximum data transfer rate is set correctly, enter main to return to the BCH Main Menu.

TIP: Use the scsi command syntax displayed in the scsi help screen to confirm or change other SCSI parameters.

Using the EFI Utility on HP Integrity Systems

If the A7173A adapter is installed in a supported HP Integrity® system, a menu driven Extended Firmware Interface based Parallel SCSI Offline Operations Utility (EFI utility) can be used to set or confirm the SCSI parameters offline. The EFI utility can also be used offline to update the A7173A adapter firmware, save the A7173A adapter firmware to a file, and view the A7173A adapter vital product data (VPD). The executable file name of the EFI utility is: pscsi.efi

NOTE: For important details about each of the SCSI parameters that can be set offline using the EFI utility, see:

“About SCSI IDs” (page 24)

“About the Maximum Data Transfer Rate” (page 24)

“About Bus Width” (page 25)

Downloading the EFI Driver, EFI Utility, and Firmware

If you have an HP Offline Diagnostics and Utilities DVD that contains the software, go to “Starting the pscsi Utility.”

To download and install the package containing the EFI driver, pscsi utility, and adapter firmware, follow these steps:

1.Download the software from the Business Support Center:

a.Go to the Business Support Center website:

b.Click Download drivers and software

c.Search for A7173A.

d.Click the link for the adapter in the search results.

e.Click the link for “cross-operating system software,” or similar.

f.Click the Download>> link for the EFI Boot Services Driver.

2.Follow the instructions provided with the download package to copy the files to the correct location on your system and start the pscsi utility.

Starting the pscsi Utility

To start the pscsi EFI utility, follow these steps:

32 Configuring the A7173A Adapter