ZCOM C I/F Library Routines





zclos - Delete program input ZLU





<zcom/zcomcall.h> /* if compiled with ANSI C (recommended) */


zclos (zap)

zaddr_type *zap;


Routine zclos closes the program ZLU set up by the zopen call and


returns the ZLU back to the system for reuse. This call should normally


always occur before a program terminates. If the program ZLU is not


closed, then the ZCOM subsystem will continue to hold all of the


resources associated with the ZLU and may add messages to the input


queue. This feature allows a program to open a ZLU on another


program’s behalf, or to be killed and rerun without losing any queued


messages. It is the programmer’s responsibility to ensure that all


unnecessary program ZLUs are closed before the program terminates.


If zclos is called to close a program’s primary ZLU, the program will no


longer have a primary ZLU. Usually, a program should open another


ZLU as the primary ZLU because some APIs may return an error if the


primary ZLU does not exist (e.g. zsend(3X)).


The libraries libzcom_c.a and libpthread.a must be linked into the calling


program by giving the options “-lzcom_c -lpthread” to cc(1) or ld(1).


This routine may be called from multi-threaded application using the


POSIX (1003.1c) kernel threads API package. This routine has the


following characteristics when called by a multi-threaded application:


cancellation point

Thread cancellation can occur when a thread



calls this routine.

async-cancel unsafe The calling thread’s cancelability type must be PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED if cancellation is enabled.


Chapter 4