ZCOM Tables and Data Structures
ZCOM Header Structure
ZCOM Header Structure
The ZCOM Header structure holds the system parameters and pointers to other areas of the ZCOM memory tables as well as other information that pertains to the whole ZCOM subsystem. The layout of the ZCOM Header structure zheader_type is shown in Table
Table | ZCOM Header Structure |
| |
| |
Field Name | Field Description | Field Type | Size | |
(Bytes) | ||||
| ||
| |
HLABEL | Header label | char [4] | 4 | |
| |
HZREVC | ZCOM rev code | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HTREVC | TTGEN rev code | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HNAME1 | Name of TTGEN source file | char [256] | 256 | |
| |
HNAME2 | Name of TTGEN object file | char [256] | 256 | |
| |
HSNAME | System name (79 characters max) | char [80] | 80 | |
| |
HSSOFF | System starting offset | uns.long long | 8 | |
| |
HSSSIZE | Total system size in bytes | uns.int | 4 | |
| |
HBPSIZE | Buffer pool size in bytes | uns.int | 4 | |
| |
HNDMAX | Total number of node table entries | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HZLMAX | Total number of ZLUs | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HTMZLU | Number of terminal ZLUs | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HSPZLU | Number of program ZLUs | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HSPZL1 | First program ZLU number | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HLTDSZE | Size of LTDATA in LT Table | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HLTMAX | Number of logical terminal tables | uns.short | 2 | |
| |
HPTMAX | Number of physical terminal tables | uns.short | 2 | |
42 | Chapter 3 |