ZCOM Tables and Data Structures

Interface Table

This field contains the maximum number of ports supported by this specific ACC interface card.

IMAXSUBC_PORT - Maximum number of subchannels per port.

This is the maximum number of subchannels supported on each port of this ACC interface card. The minimum value of this field is 1 (e.g. 2/8-channel cards).

IMAXSUBC_CARD - Maximum number of subchannels on card.

This field contains the number of subchannels supported by this card. For a non-E1/T1 card, this value should be the same as the imaxports field.

IMAXTERMS - Maximum number of terminals allowed on card.

This field contains the maximum number of terminal ZLUs that may be configured on this card.

IFNAME - Firmware download file name

This contains the full path name of the firmware file to be downloaded into this Mux card whenever the ZCOM subsystem is started, the Mux card is reset, or is recovering from a powerfail or firmware failure. It is initialized from the information supplied in the Mux statement of the TTGEN configuration file. This field is a maximum of 256 bytes including the null terminator byte.

IFFLDT, IFFMNM - Download file link time and module name

These two fields contain the time (since Epoch) when the download firmware file is linked (by zlink program) and its module name. These are set up by zlink and stored in the download file. When ZMON loads the file to the Mux interface card, it extracts them from the file and puts them into these two fields. The MX command in zmntr displays these fields.

IFRUDT, IFRMNM, IFRREV - ROM update time, module name and revision code

The ZCOM subsystem ROM contains its module name, revision code and update time in byte locations 40~5D hex. ZMON reads these bytes from the Mux interface card when it loads the firmware file, and stores them in these fields. The MX command in zmntr displays these fields. The time is translated from the ROM ASCII time stamp and stored in Epoch format.

IFWINFO - Firmware run-time information word

Chapter 3