ZCOM Tables and Data Structures
Interface Table
This is a
IFBOFF - Buffer pointer adjusted offset
Contained with the interface table are buffers that are used for DMA transfers between the driver and the Mux card. These buffers are a multiple of 64 bytes and must be aligned on a
INTFCQ - Interface control queue (zqhd_type)
This queue contains pending port requests from application programs. The operation of this queue is described in the section on the DAM. This format of the queue header structure (zqhd_type) is described later in this chapter.
IFDMAQ - DMA receive buffer queue (zqhd_type)
Holds the current receive buffer during an $RXDT DMA transfer. This format of the queue header structure (zqhd_type) is described later in this chapter.
TXCX_HEAD - Pointer to head of the express queue linked lists
TXCA_HEAD - Pointer to head of the
TXCB_HEAD - Pointer to head of the
ITXLSTX - Pointer to express terminal list array (in union)
ITXLSTA - Pointer to
ITXLSTB - Pointer to
IPLIMIT - Pointer to port/subchannel unack Tx limit array (in union)
IPBYTES - Pointer to port/subchannel unack Tx size array (in union)
IPSTAT - Pointer to port/subchannel status array (in union)
IPCNTR - Pointer to # of terminals per port/subchannel array (in union) IPORTN - Pointer to port configuration array (in union)
IFPLOOK - Pointer to PTT interrupt vector array.
IFCMDBP - Pointer to current backplane command buffer (in union)
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