7.Enable the encryption and decryption access to the backup volume using the evfsvol enable command. For example:

#evfsvol enable –k mykey /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

8.Use the evfsadm stat -a or evfsvol display evfs_volume_path command to verify that EVFS is enabled on the target volume. In this example, /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/vol06 is a spare EVFS volume that will be used as the backup target device:

#evfsvol display /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/vol06

9.Create encrypted backup media by using a block-device utility, such as dd, to copy the entire volume to a second EVFS volume that is also enabled.

For example:

#dd bs=64k if=/dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol of=/dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/vol06

10.Begin the procedure to bring the backup volume and plex back to their original state. Disable the EVFS backup volume. For example:

#evfsvol disable -k my_key /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

The evfsvol utility prompts you for the passphrase if a stored passphrase does not exist.

11.Unmap the backup EVFS volume using the evfsadm unmap command. For example:

#evfsadm unmap /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

12.Stop the backup VxVM volume using the vxvol stop command. For example:

#vxvol -g testdg stop backupvol

13.Dissociate the plex from the backup VxVM volume using the vxplex dis command. For example:

#vxplex -g testdg -v backupvol dis vol05-02

14.Attach the plex back to the original VxVM volume using the vxplex att command. For example:

#vxplex -g testdg -v vol05 att vol05-02

15.Remove the temporary backup volume using the vxassist remove volume command. For example:

#vxassist -g testdg remove volume backupvol


In the following example, the volume vol05 in disk group testdg has two plexes, vol05–01and vol05–02. The administrator dissociates plex vol05–02to use as the source for the backup, and mounts the file system on the temporary mount point /opt/evfs/backup_source. The target is the EVFS volume /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/vol06. The dd command receives cleartext from the source EVFS volume, and the target EVFS volume encrypts the data.

#vxplex -g testdg dis -v vol05 vol05-02

#vxmake -g testdg -U gen vol backupvol plex=vol05-02

#vxvol -g testdg start backupvol

#evfsvol map /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

#evfsvol check -r /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

#evfsvol enable -k mykey /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

#evfsvol display /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/vol06 (the target volume must be enabled)

#dd bs=64k if=/dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol of=/dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/vol06

#evfsvol disable -k mykey /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

#evfsadm unmap /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol

#vxvol -g testdg stop backupvol

#vxplex -g testdg -v backupvol dis vol05-02

#vxplex -g testdg -v vol05 att vol05-02

#vxassist -g testdg remove volume backupvol

116 Backing Up and Restoring Data on EVFS Volumes

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HP UX Encrypted Volume and Filesystem (EVFS) manual # evfsvol enable -k mykey /dev/evfs/vx/dsk/testdg/backupvol