Step 4e: Mapping the LVM or VxVM Volumes to EVFS

Start the EVFS subsystem using the evfsadm start command if you have not already done so. Use the evfsadm map command to map the LVM or VxVM volumes to EVFS. (EVFS must add the volumes to the kernel registry on the adoptive node.) The evfsadm map syntax is as follows:

evfsadm map volume_path


volume_path Specifies the absolute path of the block device file for the underlying LVM or VxVM volume, such as /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/vol01 or /dev/vg01/lvol5.

Step 4f: Modifying the /etc/evfs/evfstab File

You must modify entries in the /etc/evfs/evfstab file for EVFS volumes used by the Serviceguard package so EVFS can enable the volumes when the package starts. Edit the entries in /etc/evfs/evfstab to include the key ID and the noauto flag, as described in “Step 3c: Modifying /etc/evfs/evfstab Entries” (page 159).

Step 4g: Verifying EVFS

Use the evfsvol enable [-kkeyname] evfs_volume_path command to verify you can enable the EVFS volumes using the cluster key pair.

Step 4h: Deactivating the Volumes

After you have verified that you can enable the EVFS volumes on the adoptive node, use the following procedure to deactivate them so they can be tested on other adoptive nodes, or activated on the configuration node:

i.For data consistency, stop all applications accessing the data. You can use the fuser -cucommand to determine the processes accessing files, and the fuser -ckucommand to terminate the processes. See fuser(1M) for more information.

If the data is used by system processes, you might need to terminate the processes by changing the system runlevel to single-user level by running the shutdown utility. See shutdown(1M) for more information.

ii.(Optional) Create a cleartext backup copy of the data, or copy the cleartext data from the EVFS volume to another disk device using a utility such as fbackup, cp or tar.

iii.If you have a file system mounted on the EVFS volume, use the umount command to unmount the file system. See umount(1M) for more information.

iv.Use the following command to disable encryption and decryption access to the target volume: evfsvol disable [-kkeyname] evfs_volume_path

See “Disabling Encryption/Decryption Access to EVFS Volumes” (page 81) for more information.

v.If you are using EVFS volumes created on LVM volumes, use the following vgchange command to deactivate the LVM volume group on the configuration node:

vgchange -a n lvolgroup_device_file

For example:

vgchange -a n /dev/vg02

If you are using EVFS volumes created on VxVM volumes, use the following vxdg command to deport the VxVM disk group on the configuration node:

vxdg deport vxvm_group

For example:

vxdg deport evfsdg

162 Using EVFS with Serviceguard

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Image 162
HP UX Encrypted Volume and Filesystem (EVFS) Mapping the LVM or VxVM Volumes to Evfs, Modifying the /etc/evfs/evfstab File