
The HPReadData PAT utility is useful in assessing the rate at which your disk subsystem can supply data, and this is ultimately what will limit the backup performance. It simulates the way DP read files. A single instance of HPReadData can read eight streams simultaneously from your array. To read more than eight streams, initiate multiple instances of HPReadData. HPReadData is available for Windows, HP-UX, Solaris, and Linux. It can be downloaded free from http://www.hp.com/support/pat. The performance tools are also embedded within the HP industry-leading Library and Tape Tools diagnostics which are downloadable from http://www.hp.com/support/tapetools.

Figure 7. HPReadData for Determination of Read Performance

The above screenshot shows HPReadData reading one single LUN in a manner similar to the way a backup application will read files. We can see that the maximum read rate from this configuration is 57 MB/s, so we cannot expect any higher back-up transfer performance to tape than this figure.