
Information Files

The CD-ROM included with this monitor contains two data files that must be installed onto your computer: An .INF file and an

.ICM file.

The .INF file designates software and defines monitor resources used by Microsoft Windows to ensure monitor compatibility with the graphics adapter in your computer.

The .ICM file provides color matching consistency between your monitor screen and your printer. Once installed, this file is activated by graphics programs that have this color-matching feature.

To install these files on your computer:

1.Insert the CD-ROM disc that came with the monitor in your computer’s optical drive.

2.Perform the steps to install the drivers. See “Installing Drivers” on page 4–2and choose the steps for your operating system.

3.To get the latest .INF and .ICM files, download them from the HP Web site. Access http://www.hp.com and follow the links to the Support page for monitors to download the appropriate files.

User’s Guide
