Safety and Maintenance Guidelines

Slots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. These openings must not be blocked or covered. Never push objects of any kind into cabinet slots or other openings.

Do not place plants on top of your monitor. Water or dirt from the plant may get into the vents.

Do not drop your monitor or place it on an unstable surface.

Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not walk on the cord.

Keep your monitor in a well-ventilated area, away from excessive light, heat or moisture. Keep your monitor away from high-capacity transformers, electric motors, and other devices with strong magnetic fields.

In a two-monitor system, place your monitors as far apart from one another as possible to lessen interference between them.

Do not place the monitor face down. Damage could result to the front panel controls or the monitor screen.

User’s Guide
