Connecting to a room controller
If your projector has a serial port, you can connect the projector to a room controller using a serial
Serial connections
The serial port on the projector uses a female,
•Pin 3: data sent to the projector (RX)
•Pin 5: data sent from the projector (TX)
•Pins 1, 4, and 6: not connected
•Pin 2: ground (GND)
•7: metal frame (shroud)
The room controller must use the following serial
•9600 baud
•1 start bit + 8 data bits (D0=LSB, D7=MSB) + 1 stop bit
•No parity
•Full duplex communication channels (no flow control)
•No handshaking
TIP: Go to http://www.hp.com/support for additional information.
Connecting to a room controller 47