100 | Getting Connected
6.6 Using Modem LinkModem Link allows you to use your device
as an external modem for another device
(such as your PC) via the infrared or USB
Before you can create and configure a new
modem using a connection, you must install
the required driver on the PC.
Enable/Disable Modem Link
To activate Modem Link
1. On your device, tap Start > Programs > Modem Link.
2. In the Connection list, select the desired connection type
(IrCOMM or USB).
3. Tap Activate.
Notes Before tapping Activate, make sure your device has a GPRS SIM card
installed, and you have connected your device the a PC (via IrDA or
When you activate Modem Link, ActiveSync will be disabled
automatically .
To deactivate Modem Link
• On the Modem Link screen, tap Deactivate.
Modem Link