164 | Using Other Applications
• File menu
• New Archive. Lets you create a new archive file with a .zip file
• Open Archive. Lets you open a ZIP file.
• Rename Archive. Lets you rename an existing ZIP file.
• Delete Archive. Lets you remove a ZIP file.
• Archive Properties. Displays information about the current
archive file.
• Send. Lets you send a ZIP file either via e-mail or infrared.
• Recent. Displays a list of recently used files.
• Options. Lets you set various view mode and compression
level options for an archive file.
• About ZIP. Displays version and copyright information.
• View menu
• Large Icons. Displays all files as large icons.
• Small Icons. Displays all files as small icons.
• List. Displays all files in a list.
• Details. Displays all files in detail.
Note You cannot select multiple ZIP files.
Manage a ZIP fileAfter you open a ZIP file, you can either
extract the file to a folder or location, or
perform various tasks on the file. The icons
on the toolbar of the ZIP screen also provide
some of these functions. Following is an
illustration of the ZIP screen.