Photos and Videos tab (Home screen) 85
Pictures & Videos 223
Picture Theme capture mode 193
PIN 268
- Music tab (Home screen) 81
- Windows Media Player Mobile 215
Play media 214
Play music
- Music tab (Home screen) 79
- Windows Media Player Mobile 214
POP3 126
PowerPoint Mobile 220, 239
Programs 220
Proxy Manager 222
PTT (Push to Talk) 62
Push to Talk 222
Put call on hold 55


QuickGPS 187, 223
Quick menu 46, 266
QWERTY keyboard 90


- voice note 241
- voice recording 249
Regional Settings 256, 263
Regulatory notices 279
Remote Desktop Mobile 172
- email 133
- MMS 122
- text (SMS) 77, 117
- clear storage 273
- hard reset 272
- soft reset 272
Review screen (Camera) 200
Ring tone 86, 258
Ring type 258


Safety information 5
Screen text size 257
Search 223
- email 131
- MMS message 119
- text message (SMS) 115
Settings (Connections tab)
- Advanced Network 264
- Beam 264
- Bluetooth 264
- Connections 154, 155, 264
- Domain Enroll 264
- USB to PC 111, 264
- Wi-Fi 153, 264
- Wireless LAN 152, 264
Settings (Personal tab)
- Buttons 260
- Input 260
- Lock 261, 269
- Menus 261
- Owner Information 261
- Phone 258, 260, 261
- Sounds & Notiļ¬cations 259, 261