T-Mobile G1 User Guide R1.0 17 September 8, 2008
Navigate in lists
When viewing a list that scrolls off the screen or menu, you can navigate using keyboard shortcuts:
Silent mode
To silence your phone quickly, press & hold END CALL (two seconds). The Phone options menu opens.
Select Silent mode.
Other ways to silence your phone:
•Press & hold the volume button to zero volume.
HOME, then press MENU and select Settings > Sound & display. Select the Silent
mode check box.
Screen sleep
After a period of inactivity, your screen will go to sleep (display will turn black). In sleep, your phone
uses less battery power. You can control this behavior:
Page d own Press SPACEBAR
Page u p Press SHIFT + SPACEBAR
Jump to end of list Press ALT + TRACKBALL roll DOWN
Jump to top of list Press ALT + TRACKBALL roll UP
Set screen timeout period 1Press HOME, then press MENU and select Settings.
2Select Sound & display.
3Scroll down to the Display settings section and select
Screen timeout. Select a time or “never timeout” from the
Prevent sleep while charging 1Press HOME, then press MENU and select Settings.
2Select Applications, then Development.
3Select the Stay awake check box.
Lock screen & put phone to sleep
Except when on a phone call, from any screen, press END