T-Mobile G1 User Guide R1.0 99 September 8, 2008
Take a pi cture
The camera is 3.0 megapixels and able to capture resolutions up to 2048x1536. Captured pictures
are saved to the “DCIM” folder on your SD card.
Tip: Before you take a picture, wipe the sensor window (on the back cover) to remove any small
amounts of oil.
1To open the Camera, press HOME and select the Camera icon or press the CAPTURE
button as a shortcut.
2The Camera opens in capture mode. Frame your picture within the screen and hold the phone
steady. Press half-way down on the CAPTURE button to focus (a green circle will appear in
the upper-right of the screen once focused), then press the button fully to capture. Continue to
hold the camera steady for a second after you hear the shutter sound.
3Immediately after capture, you can select to Save, Set as (contact icon or wallpaper), Share
(via a compatible application), or Delete your picture.
4If you select to save, set as, or share, your picture is saved to the Pictures application. Pictures
taken with your phone are named by date and time; e.g., 2009-3-15 14:21:50 (picture was
taken March 15, 2009 at 2:21pm).
Capture button