Huffy M5800151 Des questions ou des pièces manquantes ?, ¿Tiene preguntas o le faltan piezas?

Models: M5800151

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Des questions ou des pièces manquantes ?


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(NUMÉRO GRATUIT) qui figure en première page!

¿Tiene preguntas o le faltan piezas?

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al Cliente que se indica en la primera página!

Fragen oder fehlende Teile?

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Rufen Sie die GEBÜHRENFREIE Telefonnummer (in den USA und Kanada) auf der Vorderseite an!

Domande o componenti mancanti?

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Chiamare il NUMERO VERDE per l'assistenza

alla clientela indicato in copertina!


Assemblage exclusivement réservé à un adulte. Jetez TOUT le matériel d'emballage dans les plus brefs délais. Comme pour tous les produits pour enfants, inspectez périodiquement le serrage des pièces de petite taille.

Une fois assemblé, l'ensemble DOIT être rempli d'eau à TOUT MOMENT.

TOUS les systèmes de basket-ball Huffy Sports, y compris ceux utilisés en EXPOSITION, DOIVENT être assemblés et lestés de sable ou d'eau, selon les instructions. Suivez ces instructions sous peine d'encourir des BLESSURES GRAVES. Il est INACCEPTABLE de composer un système de lestage de fortune.


Zusammenbau nur durch Erwachsene ALLE Verpackungsmaterialien sofort wegwerfen. Wie alle für Kinder

vorgesehene Produkte muss auch dieses regelmäßig auf lose Kleinteile inspiziert werden.

Die zusammengebaute Vorrichtung MUSS STETS mit Wasser gefüllt sein.

ALLE Basketballsysteme von Huffy Sports, einschließlich der zu Demonstrationszwecken benutzten Systeme, müssen gemäß der Montageanleitung zusammengebaut und mit Sand oder Wasser beschwert werden. Ein Missachten dieser Anleitung kann SCHWERE VERLETZUNGEN zur Folge haben. Zum Beschweren darf NICHT zu irgendwelchen Notbehelfsmaßnahmen gegriffen werden.


Il montaggio va eseguito da persone adulte. Eliminare prontamente TUTTI i materiali di imballaggio. Come per tutti gli articoli per bambini, ispezionare periodicamente il prodotto per verificare che non vi siano parti piccole allentate.

Il prodotto montato DEVE essere SEMPRE pieno d'acqua.

TODOS los sistemas de baloncesto de Huffy Sports, inclusive los usados para EXHIBICIÓN, DEBEN estar

montados y equilibrados con arena o agua, de acuerdo con las instrucciones. Si se ignoran estas

instrucciones se podría ocasionar una LESIÓN GRAVE. NO es aceptable improvisar un sistema de pesas



Se requiere que un adulto realice el montaje Deseche inmediatamente TODOS los materiales de embalaje. Al igual que con todos los productos infantiles, inspecciónelo para verificar que no tenga piezas pequeñas sueltas.

La unidad montada DEBE estar llena de agua en TODO momento.

TUTTI i sistemi da pallacanestro Huffy Sports, compresi quelli impiegati a scopo ESPOSITIVO, DEVONO essere montati e bilanciati con sabbia o acqua, a seconda delle istruzioni. La mancata osservanza delle istruzioni può tradursi in GRAVI INFORTUNI. La messa in opera di un sistema di bilanciamento alternativo è INACCETTABILE.


11/05 ID# M5800151





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Huffy M5800151 Des questions ou des pièces manquantes ?, ¿Tiene preguntas o le faltan piezas?, Fragen oder fehlende Teile?

M5800151 specifications

The Huffy M5800151 is a child-friendly bike designed to provide young riders with a safe and enjoyable cycling experience. This bike stands out with its vibrant design and robust build quality, making it a perfect choice for kids who are just starting to explore the world of cycling.

One of the standout features of the Huffy M5800151 is its durable steel frame. This construction ensures strength and stability while keeping the bike lightweight enough for easy maneuverability. The frame design is particularly tailored to accommodate the needs of younger riders, allowing them to feel secure while learning to ride.

The bike is equipped with 12-inch wheels, which strike the right balance between ease of pedaling and stability. The smaller wheels make it easier for kids to gain confidence as they navigate their surroundings, while still providing enough control for safe riding. The rugged tires are designed to handle different terrains, making the bike suitable for both smooth pavements and grassy areas.

In terms of safety features, the Huffy M5800151 comes with training wheels that help young riders maintain their balance while they develop their cycling skills. The removable training wheels provide an excellent option for those who are transitioning to riding without support. Additionally, the bike's adjustable seat ensures a comfortable fit as kids grow, extending the bike's usability over the years.

The bike features a classic coaster brake system, which allows young riders to stop simply by pedaling backward. This intuitive braking mechanism is perfect for beginners, as it eliminates the complexity of hand brakes and reduces the risk of accidents.

Another notable characteristic of the Huffy M5800151 is its appealing design. With a bright color scheme and playful graphics, the bike captures the attention of children and encourages them to be active. The design not only enhances its visual appeal but also promotes a sense of ownership and pride in young cyclists.

In conclusion, the Huffy M5800151 is an excellent choice for parents looking to introduce their children to the joys of biking. Its durable construction, safety features, and appealing design make it a great investment for promoting an active lifestyle. With the right blend of functionality and fun, the Huffy M5800151 is sure to deliver countless adventures for young riders as they learn and grow.