3D Bottom Style

3D Bottom Style selects the bottom style used in the 3D Sonar View.

To change the 3D Bottom Style setting:

1.Highlight 3D Bottom Style on the Sonar main menu.

2.Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the 3D Bottom Style setting. (Grid Only, Shaded with Grid, Shaded, Default = Shaded with Grid)

3D Frame Style

3D Frame Style selects the frame style used in the 3D Sonar View.

To change the 3D Frame Style setting:

1.Highlight 3D Frame Style on the Sonar main menu.

2.Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the 3D Frame Style setting. (Simple, 2, 3, 4, Complex, Default = 3)

Beam Select

Beam Select sets which sonar returns from the transducer will be displayed on the screen.

When Beam Select is set to 455 kHz, the returns from the 455 kHz narrow beams will be displayed in all views, and the maximum depth capability of your unit will be 240 ft (75 m).

When the depth is greater than 240 ft (75 m), Beam Select should be set to 83 kHz. The unit will continue to acquire sonar returns below 240 ft and will be displayed in the 2D Sonar View.

NOTE: It is important to re-set Beam Select to 455 kHz when returning to water shallower than 240 ft (75 m) for maximum performance in the 3D views.

To change Beam Select:

1.Highlight Beam Select on the Sonar main menu.

2.Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to select either the 455 kHz beam or the 83kHz beam. (455 kHz, 83 kHz, Default = 455 kHz)