Matrix® Fishing System Accessories

Accessories customize the Matrix® Fishing System to your needs and enable you to stay on the edge of new technology. When an accessory is connected to the Matrix® Fishing System, additional menus and readouts are added automatically to the Main Menu System. Accessories available today that are supported by your Matrix® Fishing System include:

Temperature/Speed: purchase and plug in the Temperature/Speed accessory to your Matrix® control head to get real time speed and temperature readouts, as well as a valuable Triplog function.

NOTE: If an external Temperature/Speed (TS-W) or Temperature (TG-W) accessory is connected AND a transducer with temperature built in is connected at the same time, the TS-W or TG-W accessory will override the temperature which is built in to the transducer.

WeatherSense® Fishing Condition Monitor: purchase and plug in the WeatherSense® accessory to your Matrix® Fishing System to obtain barometric pressure readouts and trend data in real time.

GR4 GPS Receivers: purchase and connect the GR4 GPS Receiver to your Matrix® Fishing System to access advanced FishingGPS® , trackplotter and navigation capabilities built-in to your Matrix® Fishing System.

GPS Connection Cable: purchase the GPS Connection Cable in order to connect a handheld or other NMEA* GPS-compatible device that you may already own to your Matrix® Fishing System.

Wireless Sonar Link (WSL): purchase the Wireless Sonar Link (WSL) accessory to receive remote sonar signals from a SmartCast® Remote Sonar Sensor (RSS). Radio signals from the RSS are received by the WSL and transmitted over the Accessory Bus to the Matrix® Fishing System.

PC Connect Cable: Purchase the PC Connect Cable to connect the Matrix® Fishing System to a PC in order to upload product software updates and new features obtained from This accessory requires the MSWindows-compatible HumminbirdPC™ software downloaded from our website to your PC in order to communicate with the Matrix® Fishing System.

Be sure to check out our website for additional new and exciting accessories to grow your Matrix® Fishing System!

NOTE: Each accessory requires a separate purchase. You can visit our website or contact our Customer Resource Center at 1-800-633-1468for additional details.

*NMEA 0183 is a National Marine Electronics Association standard for data communication.