Engine |
Cylinder volume, cm3: | 25,4 |
Cylinder bore, mm: | 34 |
Stroke, mm: | 28 |
Idling speed, rpm: | 3.000 |
Max. speed – blowing, rpm: | 8.200 |
Max. speed – vacuuming, rpm: | 7.400 |
Max. engine output to ISO 8893: | 0.9 kW/9000 rpm |
Catalytic converter muffler | Yes |
Ignition system |
Manufacturer/type of ignition system: | Walbro MB/CD |
Spark plug: | Champion RCJ 7Y |
Electrode gap, mm: | 0.5 |
Fuel and lubrication system |
Manufacturer/type of carburetor: | Walbro/WT |
Fuel tank volume, liters: | 0.4 |
Weight |
Weight, without fuel but with blower tube |
and standard nozzle fitted, kg: | 5.1 |
Noise levels |
Equivalent noise pressure level at |
operator’s ear. Weighted value for 50% |
idling and 50% full throttle to ISO 7182, |
dB(A): | 92 |
Equivalent sound power level, measured |
to ISO 9207, dB(A): | 102 |
Vibration levels |
Vibration levels at the handle, measured |
according to ISO 7505, m/s2 |
Idling speed, front/rear handle: | 2.6 |
Max. speed, front/rear handle: | 4.2 |
Fan |
Type: | Radial fan |
Max. air velocity, m/s (km/h): | 57 (206) |
Air volume using a standard nozzle, m3/h: | 425 |
Air volume without nozzle and tube, m3/h: | 665 |
Air volume with vacuuming device, m3/h: | 560 |
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