

Pripravite motor ob upoštevanju navodil za upora- bo motorja, ki ga je izdal proizvajalec.

POZOR: Pred uporabo kosilnice, nalijte olje v motor (0,6l).

Zagon motorja ( slika KII)

Potem ko ste motor pripravili in namestili, pozenite ga, kot sledi:

a) Motorji s sistemom ‘’choke’’:

Ko je motor hladen, postavite vzvod za plin (slika KIII

-13) v polozaj START.

b)Stisnite varnostni vzvod za zaustavitev (14), da omogocite zagon motorja in ga drzite stisnjenega med delovanjem kosilnice, ker se z izpustitvijo vzvoda motor ustavi.

c) Motorji s sistemom ‘’primer’’:

Pritisnite 3-4 krat crpalko za gorivo na uplinjacu (21); prestavite vzvod za plin (13) v polozaj MAX.

Za dodatna pojasnila si preberite navodila za uporabo motorja.

d) Zagon motorja:

ROCNI ZAGON (ob stisnjenem vzvodu za zaustavitev motorja (14))

Zgrabite rocico zagonske vrvice (11) in jo pocasi vlecite dokler ne zacutite odpor, ki ga povzroci kompre- sija, nato roèico malo popustite in jo potem sunkovito potegnite.


-Vtikač (G) vtaknite v vtičnico (H) na motorju. Obrnite ključ za vžig (17)

POZOR! Ko motor deluje, je v pogonu tudi rezilo!

Med delovanjem kosilnice drzite stisnjen roaj (14), ker se z njegovo izpustitvijo motor ustav.


Pri rezanju kosilnico potiskajte naprej ali vklopite funkcijo avtomatskega pogona.

Vklop avtomatskega pogona: dvignite rocico sklopke

(18) in jo drzite stisnjeno.

POZOR: Avtomatski pogon uporabljajte le med delovanjem motorja.

Izklop funkcije avtomatskega pogona: izpustite rocaj



Med delovanjem motorja, povlecite rocaja (14) in jo drzite stisnjeno; potisnite naprej vzvod za zagon rezila (19), da pozenete rezilo. Med delovanjem kosilnice drzite stisnjen rocaj (14), ker se z njegovo izpustitvijo motor ustavi.

POZOR! Po izpustitvi roèaja (14) se bo rezilo ustavilo, medtem ko bo motor nadaljeval

z delovanjem.


Pri rezanju kosilnico potiskajte naprej ali vklopite funkcijo avtomatskega pogona.

Vklop avtomatskega pogona: dvignite rocico sklopke (18) in jo drzite stisnjeno.

POZOR: Avtomatski pogon uporabljajte le med delovanjem motorja.

Izklop funkcije avtomatskega pogona: izpustite rocaj sklopke.

NASTAVITEV KABLA SKLOPKE (samo za samohodne verzije)

OPOMBA: C°e se ob stisnjenem roc°aju sklopke avtomatski pogon ne vklopi, nastavite kabel sklopke tako, da

vstavite vzmet (P) v eno od naslednjih odprtin plošc°ice (R) ali v odprtino ”S“.


Pozor! Ugasnite motor in snemite kabel s svec°ke pred

kakršnemkoli vzdrz°evalnim delom.

Pri 4-taktnih motorjih redno preverite nivo olja. Ce je potrebno dolijte ali zamenjajte olje. Za dodatna pojasnila, upoštevajte navodila za uporabo motorja.

Obcasno preverite, da so vijaki in matice dobro pritrjeni. Po koncani košnji vedno odstranite ostanke pokošene trave in kosilnico temeljito ocistite. Poskrbite, da je spodnji del ohišja kosilnice vedno cist.

Ne cistite kosilnice z moènimi curki vode, ker lahko poškodujete sistem elektricnega zagona.

Bodite pozorni na glušnik izpušnih plinov, ker se lahko opecete.

Pogosto preverjajte stanje rezila, ki ne sme biti poškodovano.

Priporocamo, da po koncani sezoni košnje, kosilnico pregleda strokovno usposobljeni servis.

Cišcenje pod ohišjem

Ustavite in ugasnite kosilnico

-Povezite prikljucek (22) na ohišju z crevom za vodo. Odprite vodo.

-Pozenite motor (rezilo se vrti) in pustite delovati nekaj minut.

-Po cišcenju ugasnite motor. Zaprite vodo, odklopite crevo s prikljucka/ohišja.

SL - 4

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Husqvarna 966842001, 966841201, 966524201, 966841401, 966833401, 966835601 Priprava Motorja slika KI, Zagon motorja slika KII

966833501, 966532101, 966841501, 966560701, 966835601 specifications

Husqvarna is renowned for its high-quality outdoor power equipment, and models like the 966532101, 966835601, 966841501, 966842001, and 966841201 are remarkable examples of the brand's commitment to innovation and performance. These models cater to a variety of landscaping and gardening needs, featuring robust designs, advanced technologies, and user-friendly characteristics.

The Husqvarna 966532101 is a powerful string trimmer designed for both professionals and homeowners. It features a lightweight yet durable construction that allows for easy maneuverability while providing the strength needed to tackle tough vegetation. This model incorporates an efficient 2-stroke engine, which delivers excellent cutting performance while minimizing fuel consumption and emissions. The unique TwinLine cutting system ensures precise trimming and reduces downtime, making it an ideal choice for large properties.

Next, the Husqvarna 966835601 is a versatile backpack blower that combines power and comfort. Equipped with a high-performance engine, this blower produces an impressive airflow that efficiently clears leaves and debris. Its ergonomic harness and anti-vibration technology enhance user comfort, allowing for longer work periods without fatigue. The variable speed control enables users to adjust airflow as needed, making it suitable for various tasks, from light cleaning to heavy-duty blowing.

The Husqvarna 966841501 is another standout model, known for its innovative robotic mowing capabilities. This robotic mower is designed for residential lawns, offering intelligent navigation and intuitive programming. Its weatherproof design allows for operation in various conditions, ensuring a well-manicured lawn without the manual effort. With features like automatic charging and the ability to navigate tight spaces, this model simplifies lawn maintenance while delivering top-notch results.

Similarly, the Husqvarna 966842001 caters to commercial users with its reliable hedge trimmer. This powerful trimmer is equipped with a robust engine and dual-action blades that produce a clean cut, making it efficient for maintaining hedges and shrubs. The adjustable rear handle provides enhanced control, while the lightweight design reduces operator fatigue, allowing extensive use without discomfort.

Finally, the Husqvarna 966841201 is designed for high-performance cutting. This chainsaw features a powerful engine and a well-balanced design, offering excellent power-to-weight ratio. The easy-starting system and LowVib technology minimize vibrations, providing a smoother experience during operation. With an adjustable oil pump for optimal lubrication and the ability to tackle a range of wood types, this chainsaw is perfect for both professional loggers and home users.

In summary, models such as the Husqvarna 966532101, 966835601, 966841501, 966842001, and 966841201 showcase the brand's dedication to performance, user comfort, and advanced technology, making them suitable for a variety of landscaping tasks. Whether for residential use or commercial purposes, Husqvarna offers reliable solutions that meet the diverse needs of outdoor enthusiasts.