caches 14, 14
definition 14
directory and file attribute cache
description 13
functions 13
introduction 12
case-sensitivity 16, 17
/etc/netgroup file 97
CASE parameter 16
create a UDFS 15
create a udfs
case-insensitive 16
case-sensitive 17
CRTUDFS command 15, 16
CRTUDFS display 16
pattern-matching 59
QSYS.LIB file system 59
root (/) file system 56
UDFS support 15
user-defined file system (UDFS) 63
CHGNFSEXP command 31
description 30
DIR parameter 31
directory entry 31
display 31
examples 32
HOSTOPT parameter
host name 31
network data file code page 31
network path name code page 31
write mode 31
introduction 27
options list 31
OPTIONS parameter 31
purpose 30
restrictions 31
CL commands
ADDMFS (add mounted file system) 19
ADDMFS (add mounted file systems) 45
CHGNFSEXP (change Network File System
exports) 30
common commands 91
CRTUDFS (create user-defined file system) 15
DLTUDFS(delete user-defined file system) 18
DSPMFSINF (display mounted file system
information) 50
DSPUDFS (display user-defined file system) 17
ENDNFSSVR (end Network File System server) 70
EXPORTFS (change Network File System
exports) 30
MOUNT (add mounted file system) 19
MOUNT (add mounted file systems) 45
RLSIFSLCK (release integrated file system
locks) 75
RMVMFS (remove mounted file system) 20
RMVMFS (remove mounted file systems) 48
RST (restore) 21
SAV(save) 21
STATFS(display mounted file system
information) 50
STRNFSSVR (start Network File System server) 67
CL commands
table of commands 19
UNMOUNT (remove mounted file system) 20
UNMOUNT (remove mounted file systems) 48
client/server relationship
client 8, 77
client definition 7
client/server communication 7
client/server model 7
communication design 7
introduction 7
server 8
server definition 7
CRTUDFS command
CASE parameter 16
CRTOBJAUD parameter 16
DTAAUTparameter 16
OBJAUT parameter 16
TEXT parameter 16
UDFS parameter 16
daemons 11
block I/O daemon (BIOD) 12
client daemons 12
definition 8
displaying NFS client daemon 71
displaying NFS server daemons 68
mount daemon (MNTD) 10
network lock manager daemon (NLMD) 11
NFS server daemon (NFSD) 10
NFS server daemons 9
RPC binder daemon (RPCD) 10
data encryption
definition of types 82
introduction 82
ADDMFS display 46
CHGNFSEXP display 31
CRTUDFS display 16
DLTUDFSdisplay 19
DSPMFSINF display 50
DSPMFSINF display output (1/2) 51
DSPMFSINF display output (2/2) 52
DSPUDFS display 17
DSPUDFS output (1/2) 17
DSPUDFS output (2/2) 17
ENDNFSSVR display 71
EXPORTFS display 31
MOUNT display 46
RLSIFSLCK display 75
RMVMFS display 49
STATFSdisplay 50
STATFSdisplay output (1/2) 51
STATFSdisplay output (2/2) 52
STRNFSSVR display 68
UNMOUNT display 49
UDFS parameter 19
106 OS/400 Network File System Support V4R4