Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management 29
Node oli has increased processing loads during the workday: 7 AM to 7 PM and
it is idle most of the time outside this interval. Partition julia has an increased
processing load during 10 PM to 5 AM and is idle the rest of the time. Since both
partitions are uncapped, we will reallocate only a piece of memory to partition
julia during the idle period of time of partition oli.
This example shows how to implement via the HMC scheduler the dynamic
LPAR operations for the memory. We implement two scheduled operations that
run every day:
9 PM: Move 2 GB of memory from partition oli to partition julia.
6 AM: Move 2 GB of memory back from partition julia to partition oli.
The following steps are performed from the HMC to configure the scheduled
dynamic LPAR operations:
1. On the HMC main configuration panel, select HMC Management → HMC
Configuration. Then, in the right panel select Schedule operations. In the
new window select the target node for the dynamic LPAR operation as shown
in Figure 15.
Figure 15 Selecting the target partition
2. In the Customize Scheduled Operations window, select Options → New.
The window in Figure16 on page 30 is displayed for selecting the scheduled
operation. Select Dynamic Reconfiguration.