Hardware Management Console (HMC) Case Configuration Study for LPAR Management 49
򐂰Next, go to each of your remote clients and copy the PUBLIC key ring file into
the “codebase” directory under WebSM. When you log in via WebSM, you will
get information if the SSL connection is available or not. Verify the checkbox
Enable secure communication” in Figure 35.
Figure 35 WebSM logon panel
Enabling NTP on the HMC
The pSeries and iSeries Hardware Management Console (HMC) supports
Network Time Protocol (NTP) which allows an administrator to synchronize time
across several systems. You can enable it from the command line as follows:
$ chhmc -c xntp -s enable
$ chhmc -c xntp -s add { -a ip-address | -h hostname }
The first line turns on the daemon, and the second specifies the IP address or
hostname of the server to which the HMC will synchronize its time.
Microcode upgrades
The method used to install a new firmware depends on the release level of
firmware which is currently installed on your server.The release of the firmware
can be determined from the firmaware’s filename: 01SFXXX_YYY_ZZZ, where
XXX is the release level.
The microcode update can be performed either by using the HMC or the target
system, when an HMC is not available. The policy for the microcode update can
be changed from the ASMI. For further details, refer to the ASMI Setup Guide at: